How To Overcome Our Fears in Motherhood
It’s possible to overcome fears in motherhood, but it’s not about looking for distractions or finding coping mechanisms. The way to overcome fears in motherhood is to heal the root cause.
There’s a root cause behind any fear of motherhood; this comes mostly from how you grew up. Getting to the root of your fears may not be easy, and you may need additional support.
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We have discussed common fears in motherhood and what happens if you don’t address these fears. Now it’s time to talk about how to overcome them. Of course, there’s no one way to do it. As somebody who healed from postpartum depression and anxiety, broke generational cycles, and now supports moms as a mom coach and spiritual healer, these are steps I teach in my high-touch one-on-one programs, where I also use intuitive tools and energy healing.
Step to overcome fears in motherhood: Become aware.
Awareness is the first step to overcome fears. You need to find a practice that allows you to come back to the present, where you can witness what happens to you in your body and mind when you experience these fears. The best practice for this is some meditation where you focus on your breath, like a mindfulness meditation or a body scan. Simply observe and take notes afterward if it’s helpful.
Step to overcome fears in motherhood: Accept challenges.
After becoming aware of your fears in motherhood, you need to accept these challenges fully. This means that you accept the present moment as it is without wanting to change it, even when things are hard. Acceptance is essential because it’s only from this point that you can improve. If you don't accept and fight your fears, they’ll get stronger and more overwhelming.
Step to overcome fears in motherhood: Do inner work.
Once you know and accept your fears, it’s time to do the inner work. This means digging to find the root cause of your fears. This may take time, and you may need a professional, like a therapist or a mom coach like me. If you want to do this on your own, journaling can be helpful. For the healing part, you can choose between talk therapy, somatic practices, energy healing, or a mix of these. My practice is a unique mix of these.
Step to overcome fears in motherhood: Listen to your intuition.
One of the questions I get asked the most is how to listen to intuition. My answer is that you need to do the inner work first. This is why I mentioned inner work before intuition. Intuition is innate, but most people have lost touch with it because intuition is often hidden under layers of trauma and unresolved emotions. This is why it’s essential to heal first to open the channel to intuition in motherhood.
Step to overcome fears in motherhood: Forgive yourself
Following your intuition will allow you to make better decisions for yourself and your family, but you can always make mistakes. No mom is perfect, and motherhood is the hardest job. The biggest lesson I have learned from my postpartum depression and anxiety is to always be kind to myself. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself and reset the day when you go to bed. You’ll do better tomorrow.
Step to overcome fears in motherhood: Try your best
This ties in with the step above. Every day in motherhood is new because things are unpredictable, and you have to learn to go with the flow. Don't bring with you the baggage of the day before. Try your best today, in the present moment. Your kids deserve the best of you, but you’re also human. The only thing you can do is try your best.
Step to overcome fears in motherhood: Release control
No matter how much inner work you do in motherhood, you’ll always have difficulty releasing control. In general, as humans, we struggle with this. I see control as the opposite of compassion. When you lean into self-compassion and compassion, you move away from control. When you feel tense because you’re losing control in motherhood, choose again. Choose to love yourself and your kids a little more.
If my words resonate, and you need support to overcome fears in motherhood, I invite you to book a FREE discovery call to learn more about my one-on-one programs.
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