Spiritual Practices in Motherhood
Many spiritual practices can be incorporated into motherhood, but the problem is that moms don’t have much free time. Practices for moms need to be simple and easy to integrate into life.
If you’re interested in spiritual practices in motherhood, the first thing to remember is that you need to be consistent with any practices. Choose one or two, and do that when you have even 5 minutes.
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Define what spiritual practice means to you.
What do you think about when you hear spiritual practices in motherhood? Do you see yourself meditating, doing little rituals, taking care of yourself? First of all, define the goal of the spiritual practice. What do you want to get out of it? Do you want to use it to regulate, tune into your intuition, get creative, or all of the above? You define what spiritual practice means to you in motherhood. There’s no right or wrong answer.
For me, spiritual practice in motherhood means going back to an inner place that is home to me. I meditate, but in addition to using meditation to regulate my emotions, I also use it to activate my divine essence, find answers to my questions, and solve the challenges I’m facing daily. For me, meditation is all of this and more. This spiritual practice is sacred. It has helped me in countless ways, and I keep returning to it.
As a mom coach and spiritual healer, I teach moms many spiritual practices they can incorporate. However, some of these are specific for healing and require more time and space. I know moms have limited free time, so I want them to find what works for them. What matters to me is that you have one or two spiritual practices you love and feel happy to return to them any time you need.
When I work one-on-one with moms, I channel powerful practices that are specific to the person. I've been asked to develop a meditation series, but I've always hesitated. There are so many meditations already available. Instead, I aimed to craft something truly unique and powerful yet simple and easy to integrate into your daily routine. And the time has finally come. I believe all happens in divine timing.
Meditation in motherhood can be fast AND powerful.
I heard that one of the biggest struggles of spiritual moms is incorporating spiritual practices into their busy routines. I took my time thinking about this because I aimed to craft something special for you. I created a new audio series that you can seamlessly incorporate into life (3 practices 5 minutes long each).
These spiritual practices will help you ground, recenter, and activate your divine essence, where your feminine power, intuition, and wisdom reside. In this sacred place, you’ll feel at home.
If you’re a busy mom interested in spirituality but don’t know how to incorporate spiritual practices into your routine, this audio series is for you. These are not your “spiritual auntie’s meditations” or the ones that you’ve seen many times before (aka roots that come out from your feet). This audio series is infused with the power of color and sacred geometry.
The Mom’s Energy Renewal for ONLY $29
Drawing Energy from the Earth: Ground and recharge, no matter how busy life gets.
Connecting with God’s Spot: Find peace and clarity by connecting to the divine.
Healing with the Sphere’s Power: Release tension and restore emotional balance.
Reclaim your energy!
These spiritual practices are perfect for both beginners and more advanced seekers. You can seamlessly incorporate them into your daily lives and return to them anytime. It’s like having deep channeled guidance in your pocket. Since my mom coaching programs are one-on-one for now, this is my gift to my community and the many moms who read my blog from all over the world.