Mother’s Intuition: How To Use Intuition in Motherhood
A mother’s intuition is all a mom needs to parent. There are no parenting experts out there. A mother knows her children better than anybody else. Intuition is essential in motherhood. It’s the way to parent.
Tuning into your intuition takes practice. Although motherhood enhances intuition, you need to learn to open up to it, listen to it, and trust it. I’ll tell you here how intuition works and how to use it in motherhood.
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Intuition is always there for you, mama. The problem is that in this society, we’re used to seeking answers outside ourselves. We trust the so-called experts. Sometimes, you may need to talk with a professional, and that’s fine, but what you need to remember is to ALWAYS check in with your intuition and ask yourself questions like: “Does this resonate? Does it feel right?”
This is essential in parenting because many people have opinions on how you need to raise YOUR children: Your family members, teachers, doctors, and society. But you, mama, know what’s best for your children because your soul contract with your children is unique. Also, many souls that have come to the planet in recent years don’t fit the mold (I’m talking about the ones categorized under the neurodivergent umbrella).
The problem with intuition is that it takes practice to learn to listen to it and trust it. As a mom coach, one of the questions that moms ask me the most is how to access intuition and differentiate it from fear. Both can be perceived as voices in your head or sensations in your body, but as you get used to them, you’ll realize they’re different.
The voice of intuition is subtle. It's like a whisper, a gentle nudge, and it comes to you in the present moment (not when you think about the past or future). Your fear is loud, screams things like: "You're ruining your kids!" Your intuition gently asks you to heal your wounds to become a better mom. When fear or unresolved issues are in the way, intuition doesn't come. Your intuition speaks to you in a unique way.
Motherhood enhances intuition. There are different parts of intuition that develop in the different phases, from pre-conception, to conception, pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
Intuition before and during pregnancy
You open a channel to connect with your spirit baby from the moment you decide to get pregnant (and even before that). Then, as the embryo grows and your baby's soul lands in your body, the connection becomes stronger. In addition to developing this special bond with your spirit baby, you also start to notice more of the vibration and energy around you. It’s well-known that immune defenses are low during pregnancy, but this is also energetically valid. You’re more sensitive to everything (food, people, and environments).
Intuition in the birth process
A lot can happen during birth and postpartum. Too many moms experience traumatic births, and that speaks of a systemic issue. I know because my first was a traumatic, unplanned c-section. My second birth, after a lot of inner work and planning, was an incredibly empowering home birth. Intuition can guide your entire birth process and make it magical. I followed my intuition all the way and had the birth I wanted against all odds. It was a miracle of the eleventh hour.
Intuition in postpartum and beyond
Postpartum can be challenging, depending on the birth and your mental and emotional state. I know it can be a lot because I had postpartum depression and anxiety. However, the transition to motherhood was the catalyst for my spiritual awakening. I healed by following my intuition and using energy work. When it comes to essential choices like breastfeeding or formula, co-sleeping, or sleep training, there’s a lot of controversy out there. This is why it’s vital to shut down the noise and draw inward to make the best decision for you and your family.
There’s much to say about intuition in motherhood. As a mom coach and energy healer, I help you tune into your intuition and learn how your mother’s intuition speaks to you and how to recognize it. You have all you need inside of you, but it takes practice to open up to your intuition, listen to it, and trust it. The healing work we do in my 1:1 programs also allows you to remove the blockages that prevent you from activating your intuition. I help you activate your confidence, feminine power, and intuition so you can make the best decisions for you and your family.
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