Energy Healing for Kids Is Connected with Mom’s Healing

Mother and child energy healing.

Is energy healing good for kids? The answer is yes, but the healing needs to start from the mom. Since kids are very sensitive energetically, if the mom is not doing the healing work on herself, her struggles fall on them.

The mom can support her kids with energy healing, but first, she needs to heal her own wounds and learn to regulate so she can co-regulate with her kids and add energetic tools and healing to support them further.

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The first thing to keep in mind when it comes to kids, especially in the first years of life, is that they’re still very connected to Source, and they’re getting used to the physical body and life on Earth. They’re very sensitive to external energy and absorb everything around them, from the mom’s energy to the house they’re in and the people they meet. They’re strong because they made it through the birth, but they’re also fragile.

My transition to motherhood was challenging. I had a traumatic unplanned c-section and postpartum depression and anxiety. According to doctors, babies are not developed enough to feel trauma, but this is not true. They may not be cognitively able to understand, but the trauma impacts their subconscious and soul. My son and I have both been traumatized by how he came into the world.

This is why, right after birth, before putting him to bed, I repeated this sentence to him: “You’re safe and protected.” This is a powerful sentence energetically because it tackles the sense of unsafety felt at birth and helps children feel safe in their physical bodies as they get used to it. In the meantime, I also took care of my own unresolved emotions and traumas, something that came to the surface for me a couple of months after birth when I developed postpartum depression and anxiety.

Mom energy healing aligned with kid’s healing

My inner work aligned with my efforts to make my child feel safe and protected. If I hadn’t done my part of the work, my son would have received the affirmation about safety and protection but would have also felt the energy of my struggles. I healed by allowing myself to feel my emotions at the body level through the guidance of the chakra system, which is also the pillar of my mom coaching practice.

My healing was fast, only a couple of weeks. This inner work also allowed me to heal wounds from unresolved emotions and traumas of the past and break generational cycles. As my son grew up, I continued the affirmation ritual before going to bed, and when he was old enough to understand simple concepts, I started to teach him about energy. I never pushed anything, though, and I also told him that not everybody believes this.

My son is 5 years old now. Since I read energy, I know that he absorbs a lot from the external world, and he struggles to process this energy (some kids are more sensitive than others). For this reason, I clean his energy regularly. I started to move my hands through his body one day while he was crying after falling. Then, I refined the process and do this for him every night. He loves it and even reminds me if I forget.

How energy healing has benefited my kid

My son feels safe, supported, and protected at home. We created a strong, energetic bubble for him, and he always says how happy he is here. This sense of safety allowed him to overcome a difficult situation at school. He was kicked out because of emotional dysregulation (this is a story for another day), but this issue only happens in the school setting because he absorbs too much energy from people and places around him (like many kids).

Contrary to many cases I've heard where the child behaves well in school but is difficult at home, it's the opposite for us. My son is happier, more respectful, and calmer at home. This is a testament to the deep inner work I've done on myself after a traumatic birth and suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety. I was able to fully heal AND create a beautiful, energetic space in our home.

I can guide you in supporting your children energetically, but it all starts with YOU and YOUR energy. This is why my work is focused on the mom. Energy healing for your kids starts with your decision to regulate emotionally, co-regulate with your kids, and break generational cycles. This is how your kids will feel fully safe, secure, and supported. Energy healing is a wonderful tool to support your kids, and I can help you with that, but the work starts with you.


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