How To Use Chakras in Motherhood
How to use chakras in motherhood? And why do they matter?
The chakra system is an incredible map to use in your motherhood journey. Let me tell you why.
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The chakra system explains so much about life, patterns, and behavior. When you become a mom, your chakras are affected, too, so knowing how to read and unblock them is essential. The three most affected chakras when becoming a mom are the sacral chakra (your womb where the baby grows and your feminine energy), the solar plexus chakra (your identity and sense of power), and the heart chakra (the development of unconditional love).
We were all born with stronger and weaker chakras, but as we progress in our lives, these dynamics change and shift, especially in the motherhood journey. Your children are affected by your energy from the moment the soul enters the physical body, around four months after conception. For example, if the mom is anxious, the baby feels that. If the mom is unhappy, the baby feels it.
Then, as the children grow, they reflect the chakra blockages of the parents. For example, if the mom has control issues (like minor or more serious OCD), the child may have issues letting go (in the potty training phase) or maybe exhibit tendencies to obsessive behavior from a young age (like wanting toys ordered in a specific way). I’m telling you this because it’s my lived experience and what I see often in the high-achiever (type A) moms I work with.
Based on all these considerations, besides providing food, shelter, and giving love to your children, a huge part of your job is to address your blockages so you don’t pass them to your children. Make no mistake: We all need to heal something because we all carry heavy emotions and memories from our own childhoods (these can be big or small traumas). As we heal these wounds, we liberate ourselves from our past and connect with our true selves.
This is the biggest gift you can give yourself and your children.
So, how to use chakras in motherhood? In short (and this system works when we go through stages from the root to the divine connection):
Root Chakra - Cultivate safety by connecting with the wisdom of your body. Heal your past and rebuild your foundations with the best values for your life as a mom.
Sacral Charka - Connect with your feminine energy, especially in the womb. Allow yourself to feel your emotions in the body and release them from there.
Solar Plexus Chakra - Come back to your center and inner power, let go of control, and learn to surrender. When you parent from a place of power, your children feel that (control is NOT power).
Heart Chakra - Be kind to yourself. ALWAYS. Allow yourself to make mistakes and forgive yourself. Show your children the true meaning of compassion by starting with you.
Throat Chakra - Express yourself and your needs. Your voice matters. Use it to express your inner power and lift other moms (stop the judgment).
Third Eye Chakra - Parent in an intuitive way. There are no parenting experts. Your children are unique, and your relationship with them is unique. Trust your intuition.
Crown Chakra - Invite your children to ask deep questions. Cultivate a sense of oneness and teach your children that separation is only an illusion. We’re a reflection of the divine.
If you want to learn more about chakras in motherhood, take my online self-paced chakra course. You’ll become aware of how each chakra has impacted your motherhood journey, get clarity on the key areas to work on to clear old energetic patterns, learn practices to recenter, and develop your intuition and trust it to make the best decisions for you and your family so that you create new legacies.
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