What Is The Spiritual Side of Motherhood?
Photo credit: Marcos Paulo Prado
After becoming a mom, I received a powerful message about the spiritual side of motherhood. I was in my bathtub, meditating. Suddenly, I heard a voice. I knew it wasn’t a thought because it felt like someone was talking to me. I was learning more about spirit guides at the time, but I wasn’t sure how to communicate with them.
The communication with my spirit guides started that day. They said: “What you’re looking for, is your son.” I didn’t know what that meant, so I wondered: “What am I looking for?” The thing that I wanted the most was feeling a connection with Source. I understood that the message meant that my son was the closest I could get to Source.
So, what is the spiritual side of motherhood? Obviously, there isn’t one answer for this, but I’m going to tell you what it means for me based on my knowledge and the messages that I received. I believe in reincarnation, so we’ll start from there…
Your baby is VERY close to Source.
The reason for this is that the soul of your baby incarnates in the body when the baby is in your womb. Before doing that, his/her soul was in the spiritual plane, which is connected to the Source. This means that your baby still carries a lot of the powerful energy of Source. As we move forward in life, we get further away from Source, but kids are SO connected. They emanate pure light. And when you’re in their presence, you absorb it.
Your baby is your biggest teacher.
Your baby carries the pure light of Source, so he/she is a sacred being coming to you to teach you powerful life lessons—if you’re open to learning. Motherhood is a life-changing event that brings a lot of emotions and responsibility. And all these things have something to teach you about yourself and the world. Your baby triggers these lessons in you. Your baby is a messenger that carries love, wisdom, and light.
Your baby is your quantum leap.
Motherhood makes you grow fast. Time starts to speed up. Every day your baby does something different and tests boundaries. You make mistakes and learn from them. If you remain open and humble, you’ll start to connect more with the Source, and your spiritual side will be enhanced. Your intuition and your healing power will improve exponentially. We all have intuitive gifts, and yours will go through a quantum leap.
These three beliefs have helped me immensely to recover from my postpartum and brought me closer to my life purpose, which is to guide you into your motherhood journey.