How Do Spirit Babies Communicate? Messages From My Daughter
Spirit babies communicate in different ways: feelings, energy, colors, thoughts, dreams, and decisions that come to you but don’t feel yours.
Here, I’ll tell you how I communicated with my spirit baby, Evalyn, years before her birth, during pre-conception, and pregnancy.
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You have a direct channel of communication with your spirit babies and the souls of the children you already have. The spirit realm communicates when you’re fully in the present moment, and your mind is quiet, especially during meditation. You can receive messages ONLY if your heart is fully open (inner work gets you there) and if:
Your intention is free from attachment.
Your intention is free from the desire to control.
Your intention is for the highest good of all.
Here is what I received from Evalyn before she was born.
Spirit baby communication - Years before birth
When my husband and I talked about our desire to have a girl, I knew that her soul had a special connection to water and that she wanted to be born during the Pisces portal. Evalyn was born on April 18th when the Sun was still in Pisces (no, she’s not Aries). Read my blog post about true sidereal astrology to know more.
Spirit baby communication - Pre-conception
During pre-conception, I felt a soft pink energy around me. I knew that my spirit baby would be a girl (or a boy with a high level of feminine energy). I felt this energy in July 2023, a month before getting pregnant. I discovered that I was pregnant on August 8th, the day of my birthday.
Spirit baby communication - Pregnancy (1st trimester)
In September 2023, when the ER doctors told us that the fetus was too high in the uterus, I connected with Eva during meditation. She told me that she wasn’t sure she wanted to stay, so she remained at the “threshold” because from there, it was easier for her to change her mind. I reassured her and told her she was welcome and loved. When we went to a specialist for a follow-up ultrasound, the fetus had descended to the center of the uterus (doctors believe that the fetus doesn’t move once implanted).
It’s very common for spirit babies to be unsure because they know that life on Earth is challenging, and sometimes they don’t fully trust their parents-to-be because of karmic issues. But we have negotiating power in the relationship with spirit babies. Meet them with all your love and understanding.
I never thought I would give birth at home, but the decision came naturally to me. I knew that Evalyn wanted a home birth. It was as if we had decided together, and I fully trusted this decision. The home birth was an incredibly empowering and magical experience, a miracle at the eleventh hour.
Spirit baby communication - Pregnancy (3rd trimester)
A few days before my due date, I meditated to connect with Eva to know how she felt about the birth. She told me that she was scared I wouldn’t be there because I wasn’t there for her in the past and because I wasn’t “there” for my son (meaning mentally and emotionally since it was a traumatic birth). I had an image of her in water calling me (maybe a past life). I reassured her again. The night before I gave birth, I woke up knowing she was “engaged” (her head had moved down into the pelvis, ready for birth).
What is your situation?
Trying to get pregnant?
If you’re trying to get pregnant, I recommend the book: “Spirit Babies” to learn how to call in your spirit baby (I used it too). I don't give spirit baby readings during pre-conception. Why? The messages we receive as psychics go through our human interpretation, which means there’s always a small margin of error. Getting pregnant is too delicate a topic to trust others on it. You should ONLY trust your intuition. It’s not my or anybody’s place to tell you if and when you’ll get pregnant. If you desire to become a mom, what I can do to support you is to prepare YOU to receive your baby by helping you break generational cycles, remove energetic blockages, and develop your intuition. What I know for sure is that spirit babies are happy when we do inner work and feel more open to join us Earth side.
Check out my Empress Mama - Intensive program. It’s offered to moms-to-be and moms at all stages, but I’d happily use the same framework to prepare you for motherhood. As we do the inner work, your spirit baby may feel called to share messages with us, and if I receive anything very clearly, I’ll share.
Already pregnant?
Congrats! What I know for sure about the spiritual connection between mom and baby is that spirit babies always come to help parents heal and grow spiritually in some way (every case is different). In my program, Empress Mama - Voyage, I connect with your baby's soul and look into the soul contract. In addition, I help you break generational cycles and repeating patterns, heal unresolved emotions and traumas, remove energetic blockages, create the vision of the mom you want to be, and take steps to manifest it. Pregnancy is the perfect time to do the inner work to prepare for motherhood. Of course, I also offer practical advice (I had a hospital birth and a home birth, so I know both worlds).
The connection with spirit babies is such a gift. It can help us know what they need from us, whether it’s reassurance, inner work, or decisions that can impact birth and their lives on Earth.
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