My Home Birth Story: A Miracle at the Eleventh Hour

Mom Coach Chiara and Daughter

This is the story of my home birth after a traumatic hospital birth with my first child. It was a miracle birth at the eleventh hour.

I hope this home birth story inspires you and shows you that, as a mom coach and healer, I fully embody what I teach.

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“You’ll have a softer landing.”

This was the message I received over and over again while I was pregnant during meditation. I saw myself falling in complete darkness, but at the end of the fall, there was always a pink feather to catch me.

The message promised a different outcome. After a traumatic hospital birth that ended in a c-section, the only thing that mattered to me was having the opportunity to feel connected with my body (the epidural didn’t allow me to experience this) and birth naturally.

Birth happens in the dark. It’s a movement inward into the deep cave inside of you. It’s safe in there, though. Have no fear.

Labor started on and off in mid-April. It seemed to me what they called “false labor.” These contractions are a little stronger than Braxton Hicks, but they come and go. I lived in this weird liminal space of “wait and see” for a couple of days. Then, contractions finally picked up on April 17th. They were manageable, and I felt ready and excited.

I had worked with my midwife and doula for months to prepare for this. I felt safe, seen, listened to, and fully supported in my desires. In the hospital, I didn’t feel this sense of safety because people kept on changing around me, and they often did things without asking or explaining.

I had worked to create my vision for this home birth. I wanted grounding smells and sounds around me. I got an Eucalyptus diffuser, earthy candles to illuminate the room, and a shamanic drumming playlist to take me into a deep dive as the waves moved through me.

I labored in the tub for a while and then in the bathroom, where things were progressing faster. Then, I rested on the bed, my husband by my side. He was holding me from behind, and every time a contraction started, he told me this mantra to help me surrender more to the waves: “I’m open. I’m expanded.” I repeated the words and felt the expansion happening in me.

I moved through the waves with grace until transition. By the way, I understand now why they call it transition. It’s such a challenging moment in labor because the body's sensations change completely. There’s no going back from here. The urge to push was strong, but every time I did it, it felt like my lower parts were breaking into pieces. A part of me was resisting…

“If you want to birth this baby, you have to be ALL in.”

These words pronounced by my midwife changed everything. I surrendered fully to the strongest sensation I have ever felt in my life. After 3 hours of giving it all, progress was good but not fast enough. The last chance was trying on the bed in the classic “hospital position” so we did.

My midwife had told me that, given my medical history, she wouldn’t let me push for more than 2 hours. I knew she was going above and beyond to allow me to have the birth I wanted, but hope was fading. We moved to the bed, and I pushed. At the eleventh hour, something took over, a force bigger than me. The head of my daughter started to come out.

Everybody felt it was a miracle. And from there, things progressed quickly and finally…

Evalyn was out.

April 18th, 4:36 a.m., Sun in Pisces - If you expected me to say “Aries,” check out my article about true sidereal astrology.

They put her on my chest. She didn’t cry, and immediately, her skin became healthy pink. We started to breathe together. It was a new breath for both:

The breath of a new life.

This second chance at birth gave me my power back. It required a new level of surrender, and I felt expanded in a way I can’t put into words. This portal changed me at the cellular level. I’m bringing these expansion codes with me in my work as a mom coach and healer.

When it comes to the way you birth, the hospital is not the only choice. You have options. Midwives are professionals who review your medical history and determine if you’re a good candidate for a home birth. I had a c-section before, so there are things to evaluate to see if this is possible. If VBAC at home is a possibility, trust yourself and your body.

  • Don’t let anyone decide for you.

  • Don’t let others’ opinions affect you.

  • Don’t move away from your vision.

Now I feel that my level of embodiment as a teacher is next level. I’ve been through challenging pregnancies, traumatic birth, postpartum depression, and anxiety, and I healed. Wherever you are in your motherhood journey, I can teach you to connect with your body, feminine power, and intuition so you become the Empress Mama you’re meant to be.


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