What is The Soul Path? And Why Does It Matter?
Photo credit: Marek Piwnicki
If you believe in reincarnation, your soul path is probably the most important thing you should know about. So, what is the soul path? And why does it matter?
The soul’s path is the path your soul has been following until now. It’s shaped by your past lives and the lessons that you learned during them.
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Many of the things that happen to you in this lifetime have been decided by your soul. Free will is still part of the picture, but your soul chooses the main events. If your life was a movie, your soul chose the plot. At the end of each life, your soul transitions into the “space in-between.” It meets with your spirit guides and decides what to do next.
If your soul still has lessons to learn, it returns to Earth with a new body. Otherwise, it goes to a different spiritual plane. You can think of it as an upgrade. Your soul advances to a different state. If your soul decides to reincarnate, keep in mind that there are four main things that your soul’s path defines in your lifetime:
Your soul path defines your soul lessons
Your soul decides the main lessons it wants to learn in this lifetime. The soul lessons are based on previous lifetimes. You can discover your lessons by looking at patterns in your life. For example, if you keep meeting different people that don’t make you feel good enough, you need to learn about self-esteem. It helps to identify recurring patterns in your life.
Your soul path defines your soul purpose
Your soul decides the main goal it wants to accomplish in this lifetime. The soul's purpose is based on previous lifetimes, and it’s tied to the soul's lessons. As you learn your lessons, you’ll get closer to fulfilling your purpose because you’ll gain the skills and mindset needed to reach your main goal in this lifetime. It’s important that you focus more on your soul’s lessons because you’ll uncover your soul’s purpose naturally along the way if you keep on learning.
Your soul path defines your soul contracts
Your soul establishes contracts with other souls. Usually, we reincarnate with the same group of souls, but we may exchange roles. For example, your mom could have been your sister in a previous lifetime, and so on. These contracts may last a lifetime or only define a certain period of your life. An example of a soul contract could be someone coming to mentor you and take you to the next stage. These contracts are often tied to the soul lessons.
Your soul path defines your spiritual gifts
We all have spiritual gifts because we all come from the same Source. Some of us have a harder time remembering about them on Earth (since our memory of previous lifetimes gets wiped). We can all communicate with Spirit differently; our job is to learn how to use our gifts. Some people can channel guidance through their consciousness; others may be healers.
My specialty is to guide moms-to-be and moms because motherhood is part of my soul path. I can channel guidance, so I chose motherhood because I wasn’t a mom in my previous lifetimes. My soul wanted to experience motherhood but wasn’t prepared for it. That’s why I experienced postpartum depression and anxiety.
Motherhood is a big part of the soul path because our children help us learn our soul lessons, and we help them learn theirs. If you’re reading this and want to become the confident and powerful mama you’re meant to be, start with my FREE guide: 4 STEPS TO START TO EMBODY THE EMPRESS MAMA, or check out services.