Three Tools To Enhance Your Personal Power
Photo credit: Ansie Potgieter
First of all, I want you to know that you’re a powerful being.
We all have moments when we feel powerless, but it’s only an illusion. Inside of us, we have all the power we need. The problem is that more often than we care to admit, we give our power away, or we dim our own light by making the wrong choices and focusing on the wrong things. Here, I’ll give you three tools to enhance your personal power.
Power is not external like our society tells us—power is inside each one of us. It doesn’t depend on external factors. We were all born with inner power because we all come from the same Source, and we can take this power back anytime we want. You can always harness and enhance your power to create a life you love.
As you embark on motherhood, you’ll feel powerless at times because there’s so much you can’t control, but it’s important that you maintain an emotional balance for yourself and your child. When you feel powerless, you become anxious and frustrated, and your child feels that. Here are some tools that you can use to enhance your power:
Tools to enhance your personal power: Meditation to receive guidance
This is the tool that I use the most. Meditation is not just a tool to quiet the mind and recenter. It can switch your mindset completely by connecting you with your highest self, who will provide you with guidance. Ask a question before you start the meditation. As you keep on breathing slowly and focusing on your breath, your mind will naturally slow down, and it will be open to receive. You’ll receive wisdom in the form of feelings, thoughts, or images (through your third eye).
Tools to enhance your personal power: Loving thoughts and gestures
Love is and will always be the most powerful antidote against negativity. When you feel powerless, go back to love. It’s that simple. This means sending love and light to yourself and others by focusing on the space of the heart during meditation. Imagine the power of your love radiating and touching all creatures on Earth. You can also do concrete gestures to treat yourself and the people you love.
Tools to enhance your personal power: Complete trust in the Universe
At some point, we all need to learn to let go of what we can’t control. This doesn’t mean that we have to live passively. It means that we have to find balance and peace in the chaos. When you surrender and trust the Universe, magic can happen because there’s no more resistance. You can cultivate this trust by using affirmations. When you wake up in the morning, simply repeat, “I trust that the Universe has a plan for me, and I surrender.” or something similar.
These are simple but very effective tools that can help you take your power back. If you use them, let me know how it goes! If you’re a mom-to-be or mom and need further help, I can help you connect with your inner power.