The Three Most Affected Chakras When Becoming a Mom
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We are made of energy, and the human energy field is composed of seven centers, also called chakras. If you’re not familiar with the chakra system, read my blog post that introduces all of them. These energy centers develop during childhood, but they can get blocked at any point in life. The journey into motherhood is challenging, and these are the three most affected chakras when becoming a mom.
Most affected chakra when becoming a mom: Sacral Chakra
This chakra is THE center of the action during the journey into motherhood because it’s located in the belly. This is the place where the child grows. This is also your emotional center, so all positive and negative emotions affect this chakra. It’s essential to accept all your emotions because they’re only temporary (see them as waves), and when you reject them, you make them more powerful. The best thing you can do is breathe into them. While you do that, remember that you’re not your emotions. You’re stronger than them.
Most affected chakra when becoming a mom: Solar Plexus
This chakra is located in the stomach. This center is about identity and control. There’s so much you can’t control during the journey into motherhood, and it’s essential to trust the Universe and let go. In addition, motherhood represents a powerful new beginning, and many women feel that they’re losing their identity. This is only an illusion, though, because your identity is an essence that never changes.
Most affected chakra when becoming a mom: Heart Chakra
This chakra is located in the heart and is about love, compassion, and self-love. Women may have a hard time looking at their bodies changing or may question their ability to be good moms. These thoughts affect the heart chakra and compromise the love for yourself. And when you don’t love yourself, you can’t love anybody else, and your love for your child is also affected. It’s essential to cultivate a love for yourself during this time.
If you want to learn more, check out the video below (recorded for a mom summit I joined in the past), where I dig deeper into the chakras most affected in the motherhood journey. I share the story of my transition to motherhood, how trauma affects the chakras, and reveal why moms need to reclaim their feminine energy and practices to do that.
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