Three Lessons That Motherhood Taught Me
Photo credit: Giu Vicente
Motherhood has taught me so much about life in such a short period of time. I’m excited to share with you these three lessons that motherhood taught me because I think that they are essential to living a happy life, whether you’re a mom or not. Being spiritual, I knew about the importance of these concepts, but motherhood brought them to the front and made them very real. I resisted learning some of these lessons for a long time and suffered because of that, but now I have integrated them into my routine and life is SO much better.
Lessons that motherhood taught me: Acceptance
I didn’t like being pregnant, and I spent nine months complaining about everything: morning sickness, acid reflux, and belly discomfort. My pregnancy and delivery weren’t easy, but I brought more pain to myself by rejecting and resisting the experience. Acceptance is liberating because it gives you peace of mind. If you want to change your situation, you can do it with a positive mindset, clarity, and aligned action. If you can't change things, you’re able to let them go and go with the flow. I believe that acceptance is the first step to be free in life.
Lessons that motherhood taught me: Presence
Presence is a major teaching of Eastern philosophies, but when it comes to motherhood it acquires an even deeper meaning. Being present is where happiness is. Why? Because when you think about the past, you often find guilt and regret, and the future brings anxiety. When you’re present, instead, you experience authentic joy. And this is even more apparent when you have a child because children only live in the present moment, and by being with them, you’re brought back to the present. You can learn to be present from them.
Lessons that motherhood taught me: Playfulness
Play is essential in the life of a child, but it’s also important in adult life. Too often, we forget about laughing and playing because we’re too busy or overwhelmed by responsibilities. The presence of a child reminds you to pay attention to the needs of your inner child. As adults, we may not have much time to play, but play and laughter can still be priorities. Playing with children is an essential way to connect with them, and it’s also a way to rest your mind and reconnect with your inner child. So, when you play with your child, be there with your body and mind, and have fun!
What are some of the most important lessons that you’ve learned through motherhood?