3 Essential Shifts for You, Mama, When You Don't Feel Good Enough

Mom and child.

Mama, here are three essential shifts to help you when you don't feel good enough.

When that sneaky thought, “I’m not good enough,” comes to you, start here.

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These tips will help you shift your perception and recenter so that you trust your intuition to make the best decisions for yourself and your family.

Allow yourself to feel what you feel.

One of the pillars of my practice is FEELING whatever comes. When we ignore or resist, we give more power and strength to the thought or feeling. The only way to let it go is to sit with it first. Close your eyes, take long breaths, and when your mind is calmer, ask yourself: “What do you want to tell me?” What do I need to know?” Every thought or feeling has a story to tell.

Recognize what doesn’t belong to you.

As I’ve said before, whether this feeling of not being good enough comes from societal or childhood conditioning, it’s NOT yours. So anytime this thought comes back, in addition to accepting it and listening to what it has to say, remind yourself that somebody else, at some point, made you feel this way, but this is NOT who you are.

Because guess what? You’re an Empress, Mama, so your true nature is to be powerful, confident, and intuitive.

Honor the sacred contract.

This is part of a bigger conversation, but it’s essential to mention this point here, which is another pillar of my practice: The soul contract with your children. You and your children chose each other in this lifetime for who you are because you can support each other in this lifetime. When you don’t feel good enough, remember that you’re growing and learning TOGETHER with your children, and they love you unconditionally.

Do you love yourself unconditionally?

Your personal power as an EM is deeply connected with the love for yourself, which resides in the Heart Chakra, right above the Solar Plexus. As you continue to nurture the idea that you’re not good enough, you may lose the love for yourself along the way.

If you want more helpful free information, sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE guide to embody the Empress Mama!


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Mama, Why Don’t You Feel Good Enough?