The Seven Chakras Explained

Photo credit: Angela Yuriko Smith

Photo credit: Angela Yuriko Smith

According to the Indian tradition, there are seven energy centers in the human body. Each one of these corresponds to different areas of our lives. The flow of energy that goes through the body often gets stuck in specific areas, and this is the reason why we get sick. Even the common cold can have a deeper meaning.

The seven chakras

In short:

Root Chakra

Color: Red

Location: Base of the spine

Traumas: Related to survival and safety (neglect, violence, serious money issues)

Physical issues: Large intestine, bones, teeth

Emotional issues: Fear

Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange

Location: Lower abdomen

Traumas: Related to the emotional environment (sexual abuse affects this chakra)

Physical issues: Reproductive system, urinary system, lower back pain

Emotional issues: Guilt

Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow

Location: Solar plexus

Traumas: Related to authority and punishment (authoritarian parents affect this chakra)

Physical issues: Digestive disorders

Emotional issues: Shame

Heart Chakra

Color: Green

Location: Chest, heart

Traumas: Related to lack of affection and rejection (that may result in lack of love or self-love)

Physical issues: Heart, lungs, breast

Emotional issues: Grief

Throat Chakra

Color: Blue

Location: Throat

Traumas: Lies and excessive criticism

Physical issues: Sore throat, thyroid problems, neck and shoulder pain

Emotional issues: Tendency to lie, lack of communication

Third Eye Chakra

Color: Indigo

Location: Forehead

Traumas: Illusion

Physical issues: Headaches, vision problems

Emotional issues: Illusion, obsession

Crown Chakra

Color: Purple

Location: Cerebral cortex

Traumas: Misinformation, forced religion, lies

Physical issues: Migraines, amnesia, coma

Emotional issues: Attachment

How to heal blocked chakras

When a chakra is blocked, you can usually feel it in the corresponding part of the body. For example, if it’s your solar plexus, you may develop digestive issues or stomachaches. The issues that affect chakras are not always easy to identify. You need to learn how to listen to your body to understand its signals. A great way to do that is to do a quick body scan (possibly every day). You need to close your eyes, use your breath to center, and focus your attention on the different parts of your body one at a time.

There are specific techniques available to balance the chakras. The main idea is to close your eyes and focus on that area of your body. Every chakra has a color, so you can visualize that color in the corresponding area of the body to bring healing energy. In addition to this, you also have to figure out what is affecting that specific chakra and address the issue in your everyday life. Chakras offer a road map to the problem, but the issue can be solved only with commitment, discipline, and sometimes the additional support of a spiritual coach.

This is a short explanation of the chakra system. Understanding the connection between body, mind, and spirit requires a high level of self-awareness and self-analysis because there are many variables that can affect your chakra system, including the way you were raised. You can refer to the above to have a general idea of each chakra. Please, understand that if you have a sore throat, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there are communication issues in your life, but if something keeps on bothering you, it’s time to dig deeper. (I would be happy to help you with that).

If you’re a mom-to-be or mom, check out my chakra course for motherhood.


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